February 1, 2010
Mr. Mike Posner President of Human Rights
C/o Ms Emily Stanfield Executive Assistant to the President
Human Rights Department
US Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
Dear Mr. Posner,
We would like to bring to your attention the injustices and violations against the historical and cultural identity that we feel are occurring against the 2.500.000 Greeks of the Greek administrative region of Macedonia, who are ethnologically and linguistically Greek, consider themselves ethnically Greek, and are proud of their Macedonian cultural identity for millennia. Our people recently are attacked by a self-proclaimed “Macedonian” ethnic identity of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (the FYROM). Being ethnically Greeks from the Greek administrative region of Macedonia, we would like to express grave concern about attempts to appropriate our cultural and historical Macedonian identity in this region, emanating from a newly independent state that occupies only a small part of the ancient geographical region of Macedonia.
With this letter we state that the Macedonian identity belongs exclusively to Greece on cultural and historical terms and it is extremely inappropriate and threatening to Greece to allow an ethnic self-proclaimed “Macedonian” identity at the northern borders of Greece. Under no circumstances should the international community and the international legal system allow that the principle of self-identification interfere with the cultural and historic identity belonging to another nation for millennia. No one should be allowed to use a term ethnologically that belongs to another nation culturally and historically for centuries. In our case it should be perceived as an obvious attempt to appropriate everything Macedonian.
We will not bring up ancient history (for more information on ancient Macedonia, its integral part in Greek history, and with perspective to FYROM’s historical revisionism as a means to establish an identity in the modern world, please see: macedonia-evidence.org http://macedonia-evidence.org/obama-letter.html), but it is necessary to mention that since the end of the Roman times, and for well almost over 2,000 years, Macedonia was never identified with specific and constant administrative or geographical borders. By the dawn of the 20th century, the name “Macedonia” had a geographical—not an ethnic nor administrative—connotation. The populations however inhabiting Macedonia during that time were not amorphous masses, but distinct ethnicities existed. There were Greeks, Turks, Bulgarians, Albanians, Jews, Serbs and Armenians. The 1906 Ottoman census carried out by Himli Pasha for the region of Macedonia does not mention any “Macedonian” ethnicity: Muslims (Turks and Albanians) 423,000 41.71%), Greeks 259,000 (27.30%), Bulgarians 259,000 (27.30%), Serbs 13,150 (1.39%), Others 73,000 (7.72%)
During the Balkan wars Ottoman territories were distributed among many states in the region. There was no "Macedonian" nation divided as FYROM "human rights" activists constantly attempt to imply both to human rights groups and to the media. Only a small portion of the ancient region of the original kingdom of Macedonia is situated in FYROM.
More than half of this region, which corresponds to a large extent to historic Macedonia, belongs to Greece and forms for years now a separate administrative region designated also by the name Macedonia and inhabited by 2.500.000 inhabitants who, since centuries, identify themselves as Macedonians in the cultural and historical sense.
Since 1993 however, when the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia became independent, its leadership insists on the exclusive use of the name “Macedonia” for the newly established state which consists mainly of a Slavic population and various minority groups such as Albanians (30%), Roma, Turks, Bulgarians, Greeks, Serbs and others.
There is no doubt that the exclusive use of the name “Macedonia,” primarily adopted by the FYROM Slavs and their promotion as “ethnic Macedonians” is a stimulus for expansionist claims by FYROM and its Diaspora. Claims to “their rights to self-identification” are unjustified and violates the rights of the Macedonians.
It is interesting to note that a number of politicians and diplomats within the FYROM advocated contradictory theories about the origins of their country’s inhabitants:
--The former President of The FYROM, Kiro Gligorov said: “We are Slavs who came to this area in the sixth century ... we are not descendants of the ancient Macedonians" (Foreign Information Service Daily Report, Eastern Europe, February 26, 1992, p. 35). Also, Mr. Gligorov declared: "We are Macedonians but we are Slav Macedonians. That's who we are! We have no connection to Alexander the Greek and his Macedonia… Our ancestors came here in the 5th and 6th century" (Toronto Star, March 15, 1992). He repeated the same statement in 2009 in an interview with a Greek newspaper.
--On 22 January 1999, Ambassador of the FYROM to USA, Ljubica Achevska gave a speech on the present situation in the Balkans. In answering questions at the end of her speech Mrs. Acevshka said: "We do not claim to be descendants of Alexander the Great … Greece is Macedonia’s second largest trading partner, and its number one investor. Instead of opting for war, we have chosen the mediation of the United Nations, with talks on the ambassadorial level under Mr. Vance and Mr. Nemitz." In reply to another question about the ethnic origin of the people of FYROM, Ambassador Achevska stated that "we are Slavs and we speak a Slavic language.”
--On 24 February 1999, in an interview with the Ottawa Citizen, Gyordan Veselinov, FYROM'S Ambassador to Canada, admitted, "We are not related to the northern Greeks who produced leaders like Philip and Alexander the Great. We are a Slavic people and our language is closely related to Bulgarian." He also commented, “There is some confusion about the identity of the people of my country." In addition, the Foreign Minister of the FYROM, Slobodan Casule, in an interview to Utrinski Vesnik of Skopje on December 29, 2001, said that he mentioned to the Foreign Minister of Bulgaria, Solomon Pasi that they "belong to the same Slav people.”
--On 15 October 2008 the former Interior and Foreign Affairs Minister and candidate to the Presidency of FYROM in the elections of March 2009 Mr. Ljubomir Frckovski in an interview with the Greek Television ET3 said that the Slavs of FYROM are not Macedonians but Slavs who try to avoid their absorption from the Bulgarians.
An interesting example that can serve as an analogy to the Greek cultural Macedonian identity is that of the Bavarians. The Bavarians are culturally Bavarian. Ethnologically and linguistically however they are Germans and no one in the world denies their obvious identity. Could anyone find it acceptable if a state (neighboring to Germany) assumes the name of “Republic of Bavaria,” renames itself the “Bavarian nation,” and claims that non-Germans could constitute a Bavarian minority in Bavaria? Such examples are numerous around the world: the Welch in England, the Britons in France, the New Englanders in US, and so many others.
The Pan-Macedonian Association USA, whose members originate from Macedonia, would like to report the irredentist actions of FYROM and its Diaspora that violate our inherited right to call ourselves Macedonians. Our Macedonian cultural and historical identity has been an integral part of our Greek heritage for millennia. We therefore strongly object that a Slavic nation, north of Greece, can use the name “Macedonian” to indentify its citizens, a term that forms part of Greece’s history and culture for thousands of years. Recognition of a “Macedonian” ethnicity, clearly and without a doubt, would claim anything Macedonian, including history, culture and even land, destabilizing among others the whole region. Therefore we have every moral and legal right to feel threatened by the artificial creation of an ethnic “Macedonian” identity in Greece’s northern border.
As members of the Pan-Macedonian Association USA whose human right to self-identification is violated by the authorities of the FYROM and other entities with the aim to advance their political goals in the region by appropriating our cultural and historic identity, we would like to remind you of the prophetic words of Secretary of State Edward Stettinius’ Circular Airgram to US diplomatic corpus on December 26, 1944: “This government considers talk of Macedonian “nation,” Macedonian “Fatherland,” or Macedonian “national consciousness” to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic nor political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Greece.” That statement was true then, therefore it is true now.
Please reply to our appeal for bringing an end to the above violations of our human and particularly cultural and historical rights so that we might further our cause to the appropriate forum.
Nina Gatzoulis Maria Hatzinakos Dr. Antonis Papadopoulos
Supreme President Supreme Secretary Supreme Vice-President
Cc Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Διαβάστε περισσότερα: http://taxalia.blogspot.com/2010/02/letter-to-state-department-human-rights.html#ixzz0fFixYPV6
Πέμπτη 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2010
Τρίτη 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2009
Madam Koloski, President of United Macedonian Diaspora (sic)
The answer to your invitation that your invented Macedonians ssend a "pre-fab" message to "educate" ! ! ! their American
Senators and Representatives is given below for their convenience . . . free of charge, by Odysseas Angelides from
Cyprus, a Greek island since Earth's birth, that your "" friends at the Turkish Coalition of America"" are trying
as hard as you, to grab ! We at SIBRAXI POLITON, SIMPLY RELAY IT TO YOU and at the same time admire
your impudence in calling American Senators and Representatives "uneducated " in need being educated by you. Thankyou.
Kindest regards
Antonis Antoniadis
Dear Scopianoi,
Your efforts to lure the new American Administration in favor of your futile cause are commendably void.
The new Administration has good advisers, people who know history and can take the right decisions on the name of "Macedonia" ,
a very old Greek name, which you are trying to usurp and use for your new country. I shall put to you only two questions to make you realize
that your efforts and arguments are baseless:
1. Αλέξανδρος and Φίλιππος are two Greek names which you can find written down on several ancient monuments, exactly as I have
written them in Greek and not in Slavic characters. Why do you call yourselves Alexandar or whatever you call yourselves? These two
names have a meaning in greek language and if you refer to any dictionary it will tell you that Αλέξανδρος means one who repels men and Φίλιππος one that loves horses.
2. Αλέξανδρος was speaking Greek and even today deep in Asia you will find descendants of the Greek soldiers to be proud to say that they
are descendants of Greek stock and even speak a dialect with numerous Greek words. In Alexandria of Egypt you will find an arch at its entrance with the name of the city written only in Greek "ΑΛΕΧΑΝΔΡΙΑ" and not in Slavic.
Anyway if you consider yourselves decedents of the Greek Macedonians why you do not speak Greek and you speak a Slavic dialect ? ? ?
Were you converted to another nationality ? ? ? Don't you realize that even in your e-mail address you use a Greek word "diaspora",
unless you want to claim that this word has been stolen by the Greeks from your language ???
Why don't you claim that word (diaspora) as "Macedonian" as you claim that Αλέξανδρος was your ancestor ? ? ?
I am sure that by now you are either convinced that you are not Greek and therefore not descendent of Αλέξανδρος or you will say that
the Macedonians in Greece are not decedents of Αλέξανδρος but they are decedents from a race of UFOs. ! ! !
I sympathize with you for trying to invent a history for your young country in order to boost your ego as being a very old and glorious nation.
Kind regards
Odysseas Angelides
Strengthening U.S. Policy towards Macedonia and Southeast Europe
Dear Fellow Macedonian-Americans:
President Obama has been sworn in and the new Congress has begun its work. A new era has dawned for the United States, and Macedonian-Americans must work to stress to the new Administration and the Congress the importance of strong U.S.-Macedonian relations, the need for Macedonia's accession to NATO and its role as a force for stability and peace in Southeast Europe.
Greek-American groups, together with the seven members of Congress of Greek origin, already have started an offensive against Macedonia that includes new anti-Macedonian resolutions in Congress, complemented by efforts to withhold aid to Macedonia.
UMD is educating members of the new Administration and Congress about Macedonian-American issues, but it is important that you do the same. Pleasesend a letter to your Representative or Senator; follow up with a phone call to their local office; and schedule an appointment to talk with their staff.
To make it simple for you, our friends at the Turkish Coalition of America are allowing UMD to use their CapWiz system. This system allows you to send a pre-written message to your Representative or Senator. Please follow the directions below and click send. Simple as that! A letter will be faxed, e-mailed or mailed to your Representative and Senators automatically.
In only two minutes, you will make your voice heard. Please take few extra minutes to send this link to all your family and friends so they can do the same.
If you have any questions, please call us at (202) 756-2244 or e-mail info@umdiaspora.org. Please keep us informed of your follow ups, responses you receive back, and let us know if you need any help.
Please take advantage of this great opportunity to make your voice heard and thank you for contacting your Representative or Senator.
Metodija A. Koloski
United Macedonian . . . Diaspora ! ! !
The answer to your invitation that your invented Macedonians ssend a "pre-fab" message to "educate" ! ! ! their American
Senators and Representatives is given below for their convenience . . . free of charge, by Odysseas Angelides from
Cyprus, a Greek island since Earth's birth, that your "" friends at the Turkish Coalition of America"" are trying
as hard as you, to grab ! We at SIBRAXI POLITON, SIMPLY RELAY IT TO YOU and at the same time admire
your impudence in calling American Senators and Representatives "uneducated " in need being educated by you. Thankyou.
Kindest regards
Antonis Antoniadis
Dear Scopianoi,
Your efforts to lure the new American Administration in favor of your futile cause are commendably void.
The new Administration has good advisers, people who know history and can take the right decisions on the name of "Macedonia" ,
a very old Greek name, which you are trying to usurp and use for your new country. I shall put to you only two questions to make you realize
that your efforts and arguments are baseless:
1. Αλέξανδρος and Φίλιππος are two Greek names which you can find written down on several ancient monuments, exactly as I have
written them in Greek and not in Slavic characters. Why do you call yourselves Alexandar or whatever you call yourselves? These two
names have a meaning in greek language and if you refer to any dictionary it will tell you that Αλέξανδρος means one who repels men and Φίλιππος one that loves horses.
2. Αλέξανδρος was speaking Greek and even today deep in Asia you will find descendants of the Greek soldiers to be proud to say that they
are descendants of Greek stock and even speak a dialect with numerous Greek words. In Alexandria of Egypt you will find an arch at its entrance with the name of the city written only in Greek "ΑΛΕΧΑΝΔΡΙΑ" and not in Slavic.
Anyway if you consider yourselves decedents of the Greek Macedonians why you do not speak Greek and you speak a Slavic dialect ? ? ?
Were you converted to another nationality ? ? ? Don't you realize that even in your e-mail address you use a Greek word "diaspora",
unless you want to claim that this word has been stolen by the Greeks from your language ???
Why don't you claim that word (diaspora) as "Macedonian" as you claim that Αλέξανδρος was your ancestor ? ? ?
I am sure that by now you are either convinced that you are not Greek and therefore not descendent of Αλέξανδρος or you will say that
the Macedonians in Greece are not decedents of Αλέξανδρος but they are decedents from a race of UFOs. ! ! !
I sympathize with you for trying to invent a history for your young country in order to boost your ego as being a very old and glorious nation.
Kind regards
Odysseas Angelides
Strengthening U.S. Policy towards Macedonia and Southeast Europe
Dear Fellow Macedonian-Americans:
President Obama has been sworn in and the new Congress has begun its work. A new era has dawned for the United States, and Macedonian-Americans must work to stress to the new Administration and the Congress the importance of strong U.S.-Macedonian relations, the need for Macedonia's accession to NATO and its role as a force for stability and peace in Southeast Europe.
Greek-American groups, together with the seven members of Congress of Greek origin, already have started an offensive against Macedonia that includes new anti-Macedonian resolutions in Congress, complemented by efforts to withhold aid to Macedonia.
UMD is educating members of the new Administration and Congress about Macedonian-American issues, but it is important that you do the same. Pleasesend a letter to your Representative or Senator; follow up with a phone call to their local office; and schedule an appointment to talk with their staff.
To make it simple for you, our friends at the Turkish Coalition of America are allowing UMD to use their CapWiz system. This system allows you to send a pre-written message to your Representative or Senator. Please follow the directions below and click send. Simple as that! A letter will be faxed, e-mailed or mailed to your Representative and Senators automatically.
In only two minutes, you will make your voice heard. Please take few extra minutes to send this link to all your family and friends so they can do the same.
If you have any questions, please call us at (202) 756-2244 or e-mail info@umdiaspora.org. Please keep us informed of your follow ups, responses you receive back, and let us know if you need any help.
Please take advantage of this great opportunity to make your voice heard and thank you for contacting your Representative or Senator.
Metodija A. Koloski
United Macedonian . . . Diaspora ! ! !
Παρασκευή 7 Νοεμβρίου 2008
The Macedonian minority modified micro IN BULGARIA(The REALITY AND THE FUTURE OF)With the change of guard at the White House in recent U.S. elections and the return of Democrats to power, essentially opens again the question of the Balkans as a continuation of the work of the government of Bill Clinton.The dissolution of Yugoslavia has now consolidated and the apparent pending the issue of Skopje close to the solution of ..Key role in development will play three important factors.The two are visible in the international community, UN and EU - while third hears that in the name Macedonian minority in the prefecture of PELAGONIAS and will play an important role in development, has taken the path of disclosure.First and foremost concern the Americans, is to consolidate the state union of Kosovo and the full normalization of relations in parallel with the Serbs, but ... PRIMARILY with the Russians.Hence the orientation no longer in the solution to the annexation of Serbian sovereignty, the Serbian regions of Kosovo, seems inevitable.In this case, however, automatically, the first factor involved the territory of Skopje, as we hear in the name of the Albanians in Tetovo region.Given the division of Mitrovica, Kosovo to stand as a state entity in the wider Balkan region, is in need of the territories but mainly Albanian population in the net in the region of Tetovo.The first piece of the puzzle came into place.It is also the indisputable fact and has long known to the international factor, the existence of 150,000 or more residents of Skopje holding Bulgarian passport.The emergence of Gkeorgkiefski also back on the political scene in Skopje, located at the Gate.Just to remind here that the Gkeorgkiefski was once Prime Minister of Skopje, who later discovered the obvious ... it is VOULGAROS!The voices that will speak for the ETHNOTITA BULGARIAN CULTURAL GENOCIDE suffered the period of dictatorship on Yugoslav TENURE TITO, you're absolutely sure that it will begin to increase exponentially with ... the next months and the enforced silence indicated by the recent REMPOUMPLIKANOYS 8 years in BULGARIA will break!The spread of the Bulgarian territory to the west, has begun!Here goes and the second piece of the puzzle in place.And the third factor archomaste LYSIS of the problem of Skopje, which hears the name Macedonian minority in the wider region of Pelagonias.With the recent demonstration of Greek organizations on 28 October in New York, in front of the building of the United Nations, the main slogan 'Shame on FYROM' and 'RIGHTS IN Greek minority in Skopje', has opened the way to come to the surface MAKEDONIKI large minority of Greeks living in the Pelagonias for hundreds of years.They are the proud Ellinovlachoi in the majority.It is people who kynigithikan by the dictatorial regime of Tito - and for reasons of friendship and Ellinogiougkoslavikis NATO-Greece remained silent and continue to suffer oppression and restriction of self by the Nazi regime of the VMRO.These caught the Albanian population from Skopje Giougkoslavopoiimenoys VOULGAROYS so many years, faced with what they did and continue to do in MAKEDONIKI Greek minority of the Vlachs themselves killers, like childhood dream!Repression, imprisonment, extortion!The violent change of names to disappear technical MAKEDONIKI the minority by Tito in Skopje, fell on deaf ears.The cultural genocide attempted to apply to the Greeks, not caught!What happened to the Bulgarian population in Skopje by TITO not happened in the Greek!Remained alive in the faith of the Orthodox Patriarchate, was alive the Greek language.Trying to put this Macedonian minority in Skopje by the Greek authorities in recent years, has found fertile ground, given the fact that the Nazi regime Gkrouefski has sown terror.There are two known cases of terrorism in the international community to the status of Skopje.The first concerns the family PAPOULI, Vlachs residents of Skopje, who were forced to change their last name KOSTOF today and the Nazi regime Gkrouefski prohibits them back to back the normal name!The second case concerns the Vlachos also Nikos Konstantinidis Monastiriou http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLfPoaQIeKM resident who comes out and officially branded and declares that it is Greek and receives death threats from the regime of Gkrouefski .Thousands Vlachs are groaning under the boot of NAZITIKI Grouefski. A rough calculation of our consulate in the monastery of estimated around 150 to 200 thousand.This is the third piece of the puzzle, the county of PELAGONIAS that will stick when he comes one-time-again mother in Greece.Anastasios KazantzidisTeacher-columnistPSThe solution came recently released by the very CIA, speaks for referenda to be done to determine the populations of Skopje in which countries want to integrate: Bulgaria, Kosovo and Greece
Τετάρτη 6 Αυγούστου 2008
Modern Macedonian question - What is it all about?
Ancient Macedonia was a Greek kingdom situated in the north end of Greece. It became the most powerful Greek state during the 4th century bc after the decline of Athina (Athens) and Sparta. Under the leadership of King Philippos II and his son Alexandros III (Alexander the Great) the Macedonian army conquered most of the world and created the world's largest empire ever, including South-East Europe, most of Asia and North Africa.After the death of Alexandros, Macedonia followed the fate of the rest of Greece. It became a Roman province, later a Byzantine province, it was occupied by the Ottoman empire and finally it became part of the indepented Greek state in 1912.Today a Slavic nation attempts to adopt the history and culture of Macedonia as their own and present themselves to the world as "ethnic Macedonians" and "descedants of ancient Macedonians"This is a blatant attack against Greece and its world wide respected history.The FYROM Slavs who claim to be "Macedonians" have no historical, cultural or linguistic relation with ancient Macedonia. They descended into the region not before the 6th cent. A.D. long after ancient Macedonia was homogenized with the rest of Greece. Their 'Republic of Macedonia' occupies less than 10% of ancient Macedonia.Therefore their claim on ancient Macedonia's name, history, culture and symbols can not be justified.
Aegean Macedonia.........
is a FYROMacedonian Slav nationalist term used to refer to the region of Macedonia in Greece, in the context of a United Macedonia.The origins of the term seem to be rooted in the 1940s but its modern usage is widely considered ambiguous and irredentist.The term has occasionally appeared on maps circulated in the FYROM, which envisioned Greek Macedonia (referred to as "Aegean Macedonia") as part of a "Greater Macedonia", and is regarded as a challenge of of the legitimacy of Greek sovereignity over the area.
US Senate Resolution 300
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia should stop the utilization of materials that violate provisions of the United Nations-brokered Interim Accord between the FYROM and Greece, regarding hostile activities and propaganda, and should work with the United Nations and Greece to achieve longstanding United States and United Nations policy goals of finding a mutually acceptable official name for the FYROM
Ancient Macedonia was a Greek kingdom situated in the north end of Greece. It became the most powerful Greek state during the 4th century bc after the decline of Athina (Athens) and Sparta. Under the leadership of King Philippos II and his son Alexandros III (Alexander the Great) the Macedonian army conquered most of the world and created the world's largest empire ever, including South-East Europe, most of Asia and North Africa.After the death of Alexandros, Macedonia followed the fate of the rest of Greece. It became a Roman province, later a Byzantine province, it was occupied by the Ottoman empire and finally it became part of the indepented Greek state in 1912.Today a Slavic nation attempts to adopt the history and culture of Macedonia as their own and present themselves to the world as "ethnic Macedonians" and "descedants of ancient Macedonians"This is a blatant attack against Greece and its world wide respected history.The FYROM Slavs who claim to be "Macedonians" have no historical, cultural or linguistic relation with ancient Macedonia. They descended into the region not before the 6th cent. A.D. long after ancient Macedonia was homogenized with the rest of Greece. Their 'Republic of Macedonia' occupies less than 10% of ancient Macedonia.Therefore their claim on ancient Macedonia's name, history, culture and symbols can not be justified.
Aegean Macedonia.........
is a FYROMacedonian Slav nationalist term used to refer to the region of Macedonia in Greece, in the context of a United Macedonia.The origins of the term seem to be rooted in the 1940s but its modern usage is widely considered ambiguous and irredentist.The term has occasionally appeared on maps circulated in the FYROM, which envisioned Greek Macedonia (referred to as "Aegean Macedonia") as part of a "Greater Macedonia", and is regarded as a challenge of of the legitimacy of Greek sovereignity over the area.
US Senate Resolution 300
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia should stop the utilization of materials that violate provisions of the United Nations-brokered Interim Accord between the FYROM and Greece, regarding hostile activities and propaganda, and should work with the United Nations and Greece to achieve longstanding United States and United Nations policy goals of finding a mutually acceptable official name for the FYROM
Πέμπτη 10 Ιουλίου 2008
To Mr. Bush Jr.
Are you a Communist, Sir?
This would have been the given answer, if the question had been submitted during the Cold War era, before the collapse of the Soviet Union.
How have I came to this conclusion regarding U.S’s President?
Simply because Mr. Bush, through his policies in the Balkan region, follows Stalin’s and Tito’s aspirations for reducing Greece’s national entity.
The pseudonym state, the so-called nation and the newly invented language of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia was one of Stalin’s dreams. Both Stalin and Tito manufactured this state, back in August 1944, in the frames of Yugoslav federation.
They simply altered the name of old Vardarska in Macedonia and they baptized the multi-ethnic population of Vardaska constituted by Bulgarian, Serb, Greek Albanians and others into a so-called “Macedonian nation”. Using as a pretext the fabricated name of the state, they claimed that the inhabitants of “Macedonia” are “pure” descendants of Alexander the Great.
Today, Alexander’s descendants they call their state as “free Macedonia” and they argue that Macedonia is under Greek occupation!
They strive to find an exit to the Aegean Sea, following Stalin’s plan to absorb Greek territories and establish a new state, under the protection of the Warsaw Pact, under the name “Macedonia”. This important detail is clearly mentioned in f.YROM’s constitution and is globally transmitted through state propaganda. Their main aim is to incorporate Thessaloniki – Greece’s second largest city – into their national frontiers and proclaim Thessaloniki as their future capital! It is important to note that this kind of propaganda is not presented in the web, but is also recorded in school books.
Back in 1944 U.S reacted rational. Edward Stettinious, the then American Minister of Foreign Affairs declared that “Every discussion about Macedonian nation, Macedonian homeland or Macedonian conscience constitutes unjustifiable demagogy and does not correspond any kind of national or political reality whatsoever”. And he concludes by saying that this kind of behavior is an act of aggression against Greece.
During the I and the II World War and during the Cold War era Greece helped US, and US assisted Greece through the reputable Marshall Plan. However, now Mr. Bush Jr maintains this communist monstrosity and strives to aid f.YROM stealing the unquestionably Greek name of Macedonia from their legitimate title – holder, Greece.
Mr. Bush’s wants to make real Stalin’s and Tito’s dream, put an end to a hundred years of Greko-American friendship and alliance. He supports American enemies, till some years ago. Mr. Bush must answer the following question. Who fought side by side with the American soldiers in Korea. The pseudo-macedonians or Greek soldiers, many of them originated from the ancient Greek soil of one and only Macedonia?
Traditionally, Greeks stood side by side with the United States of America. However, neither Mr. Bush Jr. nor Mrs. Hilary Clinton value this honest attitude. In order to rectify the aforementioned damage to the mentality of the Greek nation, the American President or his Foreign Secretary should admit that: nowadays citizens of f.YROM are not of Macedonian ethic roots, but they come from the Slavs. My proposal to them, if they question this historic fact, is to approach American academic historians or archaeologist. Maybe, after that they will be able to re-approach history form a valid point of view.
Are you a Communist, Sir?
This would have been the given answer, if the question had been submitted during the Cold War era, before the collapse of the Soviet Union.
How have I came to this conclusion regarding U.S’s President?
Simply because Mr. Bush, through his policies in the Balkan region, follows Stalin’s and Tito’s aspirations for reducing Greece’s national entity.
The pseudonym state, the so-called nation and the newly invented language of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia was one of Stalin’s dreams. Both Stalin and Tito manufactured this state, back in August 1944, in the frames of Yugoslav federation.
They simply altered the name of old Vardarska in Macedonia and they baptized the multi-ethnic population of Vardaska constituted by Bulgarian, Serb, Greek Albanians and others into a so-called “Macedonian nation”. Using as a pretext the fabricated name of the state, they claimed that the inhabitants of “Macedonia” are “pure” descendants of Alexander the Great.
Today, Alexander’s descendants they call their state as “free Macedonia” and they argue that Macedonia is under Greek occupation!
They strive to find an exit to the Aegean Sea, following Stalin’s plan to absorb Greek territories and establish a new state, under the protection of the Warsaw Pact, under the name “Macedonia”. This important detail is clearly mentioned in f.YROM’s constitution and is globally transmitted through state propaganda. Their main aim is to incorporate Thessaloniki – Greece’s second largest city – into their national frontiers and proclaim Thessaloniki as their future capital! It is important to note that this kind of propaganda is not presented in the web, but is also recorded in school books.
Back in 1944 U.S reacted rational. Edward Stettinious, the then American Minister of Foreign Affairs declared that “Every discussion about Macedonian nation, Macedonian homeland or Macedonian conscience constitutes unjustifiable demagogy and does not correspond any kind of national or political reality whatsoever”. And he concludes by saying that this kind of behavior is an act of aggression against Greece.
During the I and the II World War and during the Cold War era Greece helped US, and US assisted Greece through the reputable Marshall Plan. However, now Mr. Bush Jr maintains this communist monstrosity and strives to aid f.YROM stealing the unquestionably Greek name of Macedonia from their legitimate title – holder, Greece.
Mr. Bush’s wants to make real Stalin’s and Tito’s dream, put an end to a hundred years of Greko-American friendship and alliance. He supports American enemies, till some years ago. Mr. Bush must answer the following question. Who fought side by side with the American soldiers in Korea. The pseudo-macedonians or Greek soldiers, many of them originated from the ancient Greek soil of one and only Macedonia?
Traditionally, Greeks stood side by side with the United States of America. However, neither Mr. Bush Jr. nor Mrs. Hilary Clinton value this honest attitude. In order to rectify the aforementioned damage to the mentality of the Greek nation, the American President or his Foreign Secretary should admit that: nowadays citizens of f.YROM are not of Macedonian ethic roots, but they come from the Slavs. My proposal to them, if they question this historic fact, is to approach American academic historians or archaeologist. Maybe, after that they will be able to re-approach history form a valid point of view.
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